Become a Member

Join The Club

The best part about being a member is that you get to meet many like-minded, ambitious, and thriving women within our community. Who will keep you accountable and make you feel supported at the same time, Sometimes you just need someone who gets you!

Because, let’s face it, turning to your family or friends for advice doesn’t always lead to the sound advice that you need to hear. Sometimes it fuels your fears and doubts. Within our community, we believe there are no limits or restrictions on what you can achieve.

We can support your business journey from the very start of developing and launching your idea, to helping you create your personal or business brand, helping you consistently evolve with marketing and business strategies, and giving you exclusive exposure opportunities.

Business is an ever-changing landscape, and sometimes all you need is an affordable and reliable source of information and support. This is truly the one place where you will be able to access not only invaluable training and information but also a whole tribe of supporters who will be cheering for you every step of the way.

Join the community

Let’s recap what you can achieve by joining the Women in Business Club:

  • Build more consistent and passive income into your business.
  • Learn copywriting and social media skills so you can be more visible.
  • Grow & explode your Instagram and Social Media following.
  •  Leverage our audience to promote your business. 
  • Get crystal clear on your goals and have an action plan.
  • Launch your business or next offer with successful launch blueprint. 
  • Create irresistible brand that brings in magnetic sales.
  • Create and launch your online course so you can start building new passive income streams.
  • Build collaborations that leverages your visibility and builds your authority status.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs and eliminate fear around money.
  • Build your team and become more free to spend time with your family, travel the world or write the book you have always dreamed of.
  • Learn how to leverage public speaking opportunities and attract press to grow your business.

Create systems in your business that will help you make money in your sleep.

Does this sound like something you would like to achieve over the next few months? And no, you don’t need to have a huge investment to join us; our membership is super affordable, even for those starting out.

PAY as it’s convenient for you.

Imagine running your business from anywhere in the world, travelling to attend and deliver talks at world-class events, spending more time with your family and loved ones, all while your bank account is being taken care of with consistent income from your online business.

Your customers are knocking on your door to work with you, and your diary is booked up 6 months in advance. Your following is exploding, and you regularly receive emails about media opportunities.

No, this is not a dream, but the reality for women who have joined the Women in Business Club. It is the reality that is possible for you. But it all starts with you committing to your goals and your vision.

With our members at our last Women in Business event

But I don’t want you to look back 6 months from now and realise you are in exactly the same place as you are today.

“Women in Business” is an amazing group of women ready to tackle the world and help one another along the way. The group is full of value, whether you’re there for the webinars, for the community, or to learn new information. The best part is that when you join, you get all of them. “I highly recommend that any woman in business join this group.” Rachel.

There has never been a better time to change your life and start taking action.

Because nothing’s going to change unless you do! Unless you make a commitment to yourself to change something, 

I know you’re working hard to make your business successful, but you’re doing it all alone. I know how difficult it is when you’re bootstrapping and going down the DIY route. It’s hard work, it’s time-consuming, and it’s exhausting. I’ve been there!

Because I KNOW that you are passionate about what you do, I KNOW you’re ready to create the business you’ve been dreaming of, and we’re right here to help you take your dream to the next level of success.

Come and join us and experience for yourself what it feels like to have a whole community of like-minded women cheering you on!

I’ll see you on the inside.

Love Ugochi .

We can help you get there, but first you need to take the leap towards success.

Are You Ready?

Few things you should know about our group

  • It’s a female entrepreneurs group
  • We have 25-50 new members joining every week
  • It’s a fast growing group of  more than 1400 members and counting
  • Our members are:  Coaches, Social media managers, Virtual Assistants and all kind of Service Providers

It’s a highly engaged group with active members

1 Months


3 Months


6 Months


✔You are a coach, consultant, service provider or a course creator

✔ You want to build your audience, community or your email list.

✔ You want daily leads and clients 

✔ You want to build your dream business on your own terms

✔ You want to be recognized as an authority in your field


"My passion is to support other women to become empowered in business with skills and confidence to become visible go-to experts in their field and grow their businesses to the next level of success through being their authentic self, serving and helping others."


Have Any Questions?


Membership is for all women and few men from all walks of life who want to know more, be more and do more in order to thrive and support others to thrive.


Your role as a member is to show up as a strong woman in business, defend women, support women, mentor and raise other women in ways that you can.


To become an expert in Women In Business WIB, you need to sign up as a Premium Member or become an Advocate (sponsor). Other ways are you must be an active member of at least 3 of our communities and an active community builder.


To become an Advocate or Sponsor, first you must be a member of our community. If you are a Male and want to sponsor/be an advocate you can do so even if you are not a member of our community.


All you need to do is send a message containing your transaction details, screen shot of your transfer details or debit alert to


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