How To Cope With The Fuel Subsidy In Nigeria As a Solopreneur

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At this time, the Nigerian government, under the watchful eye of President Bola Tinubu, has removed the fuel subsidy. Causing a lot of hardship for the common Nigerian. Our homes and our businesses.


In this blog post, we will be looking at how to cope with the removal of the fuel subsidy. There is a need to talk about it because it is literally the same thing most Nigerians are facing at this time.

How to Start Up Your Own Online Business

Are you looking to start or launch your own online business? You are probably feeling a little overwhelmed as to where to begin right now. That’s ok; starting your own business can feel overwhelming, and you probably have a lot of questions. 


In this free classic class, we will cover some of the basic steps you need to take in order to set your new business up for success. We will be covering: 

– What most business owners/entrepreneurs fail to do before they launch 

– What you need to do in order to attract your ideal customers 

– What no one told you about business/ entrepreneurship 

– Why your family and friends are not going to be your first customers 


How to Lead with Authentic Visibility

Are you a female entrepreneur or a business leader who craves to be more visible online? 


You know you have something unique and special about you and your skills, but you can’t seem to get the recognition you desire. You are sharing content online, but there is nothing showing up right now!

You are not alone! In fact, in our recent survey, women business owners said that their biggest challenge is being visible online.


New Mindset & Strategies to Restart Your Commitment to Your Goals

Do you have a burning desire to restart? Do you want to renew your energy and focus on a new project, business, you, or career?


But… you are feeling overwhelmed, scared, and unsure of how to begin. Maybe you have been out of the game for a while and feel the anxiety rising every time you think of starting up again. 

Maybe you are struggling with negative self-talk or have been feeling guilty for leaving your business and are trying to find the courage to begin again. 

It’s ok; you are not alone. Coming back to business after a break is not easy, and it could take longer than you think to do it on your own. 

Up-level Your Business, Mindset & Income

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Have you ever thought about what successful people do differently? Or why do some people fail and others succeed in business?

Some will say, “You are just one secret away,” but the truth is, there is no “ONE secret” or “magic blueprint” for overnight success… 

Different businesses need different things at different stages of their journey.

Some entrepreneurs may need to work on their mindset; some may need to get more visible; others may need to adjust their pricing or create systems to automate their business. You may be at the stage of creating your brand or growing your social media following, or maybe launching your online course and building a passive income in your biz, so you can enjoy more time with your family.


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