
I’m Ugochi Ogundare. I aid business owners in realizing their goal.

Women in business wib was founded by brand strategist and business coach Ugochi Ogundare. As a graduate from Imo State University Owerri with a BSC in Business Management. Ugochi began her journey in helping owners grow successful small businesses.

Her goal in starting WIB was to provide a space where women can come together to share valuable business contents, resources, share experiences and programs freely. My passion is to support other women to become empowered in business with skills and confidence to become visible go-to experts in their field and grow their businesses to the next level of success through being their authentic self, serving and helping others.




A group of women and a few smart men from all walks of life and different backgrounds who decided they would succeed together

To inspire healthier relationships among women by providing avenues for contact and working together regardless of their differences.

To give as many women as possible a place to be their authentic selves, explore, and connect.

To Connect, To Build Healthy Relationships, To Break Barriers, To Equip, To Embolden.

My passion is to support other women to become empowered in business with the skills and confidence to become visible go-to experts in their field and grow their businesses to the next level of success through being their authentic selves and serving and helping others.

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