Self Development

6 Ways To Know You Are Thriving

women who thrive

Let’s look at these two words – “Thriving and Surviving”. 

What is Thriving? 

Thriving is to grow or develop well. To flourish and be blessed. 

What is Surviving? 

Surviving is doing things that are mandatory for a person to be alive. To continually live or exist.  There is more to life than Surviving.

Which mindset are you? Thriving or Surviving? 

The two mindsets are different: a person with a thriving mindset  seeks to continually progress, to reach above the survival instinct. Thriving is about doing meaningful things, its about  joy, passion, creativity, relationships. Its about doing what you love and thoroughly enjoying it.

mind set

6 Ways To Know You Are Thriving

  1. You know you are thriving when you constantly and consistently show up for your dreams. Not allowing failures, difficulties or challenges to stop you.
  2. When you begin to get yourself out there to shine, not minding what people may think or say.
  3.  When you learn to turn your experiences, passion and expertise into an amazing product which in turn will help you live that life you were put on earth up live.
  4. When you shed all of those limiting beliefs that has stopped you from exploring or trying out new things.
  5. When you keep growing and acquiring new skills and updating old ones. Putting them to good use for yourself and other people
  6. When you limit negative thoughts. Negative thoughts can make you feel you are less qualified and decrease your self confidence.
  7. When you become a force that many will sort after.

There is no comparison to survival and thriving. Both are poles apart. Which one are you doing right now? Surviving or thriving? A question examination will give you the answers you seek.

As usual I will love to hear from you. Leave your comment below. Also like and share this post to your friends. 

Author: UGOCHI

Women empowerment, encouragement, motivation and mentoring. We take bold steps each and everyday to become better.

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