New Mindset & Strategies to Restart Your Goals

Do you have a burning desire to restart? Do you want to renew your energy and focus on a new project, business, you, or career?

But… you are feeling overwhelmed, scared, and unsure of how to begin. Maybe you have been out of the game for a while and feel the anxiety rising every time you think of starting up again. 

Maybe you are struggling with negative self-talk or have been feeling guilty for leaving your business and are trying to find the courage to begin again. 

It’s ok; you are not alone. Coming back to business after a break is not easy, and it could take longer than you think to do it on your own. 

This FREE workshop will help you re-adjust to a new mindset for pursuing your goals again. There is no better time than now to renew your commitment to your goals and dreams and regain your confidence to begin again. 

So many women have had to take time off from their business and personal goals due to Covid, maternity leave, prioritizing family needs, being primary caregivers, or simply taking a break due to ill health or other reasons. 

This should not be something that stops you from going after your goals once you are ready to return. But it is easier said than done. In this classic class, we will walk you through some practical steps to help you get back in the flow so you can start working towards your personal and business success. 


Author: UGOCHI

Women empowerment, encouragement, motivation and mentoring. We take bold steps each and everyday to become better.

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