General Business Practice

Is Our Success Really Determined By Hard Work?

Everybody wants to be successful, to possess the best, to reach all their goals, or to live without so many worries, but what do you think?

It is possible! Surely you have already heard the phrase “there is nothing impossible in life” or some similar phrases, but the truth is that not everything is so simple. Commonly,  success is usually associated with hard work, but beyond the efforts we make to reach our goals, we find an attitude or determining behavior in the result of what we are doing, and it is constancy!

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Being constant involves maintaining trust and believing faithfully that each of our actions aimed at achieving a certain goal will serve as a guide to getting it.

Consistency entails continuing to act, not giving up, or devising new and better alternatives that optimize the small actions that add up to steps toward our goals.


Being consistent means not abandoning the goal, not abandoning the dreams, not straying from the vision, the ultimate goal; it means moving forward indefinitely and fighting for what you want even when everything is difficult…


Being consistent means loving yourself because you are the only one who knows how to please yourself perfectly, and by being consistent, you will get it! It is being truthful to yourself first and also knowing your limitations, your strengths, and opportunities when they present themselves.

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Author: UGOCHI

Women empowerment, encouragement, motivation and mentoring. We take bold steps each and everyday to become better.

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